Chris Hemsworth, renowned for his portrayal of Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, recently shared his insights on the criticisms some actors levy against their own films,

especially when they fail to meet box office expectations. In a candid interview with The Times of London, Hemsworth emphasized the importance of humility in the entertainment industry, a lesson he values highly in his career.

During the discussion, Hemsworth addressed the trend where certain actors criticize their projects if they don't achieve commercial success. "It's, like, �They're films that are successful � put me in one. Oh, mine didn't work? I'll bash them,'" Chris articulated. This reflection comes in light of his experiences with colleagues who later express regret or embarrassment about their roles in less successful movies. "And it used to bother me when actors would later talk about the show with guilt or shame.
Humility goes a long way

Moreover, Hemsworth expressed his perspective on the harsh judgments superhero films often receive, even from esteemed directors like Francis Ford Coppola and Martin Scorsese. "It felt harsh. And it bothers me, especially from heroes," he confessed. The critique from such filmmaking giants sparked a defensive response from Hemsworth, who questioned their dismissal of the genre despite its massive global audience. "
It was an eye-roll for me, people bashing the superhero space. Those guys had films that didn't work too � we all have. When they talked about what was wrong with superheroes, I thought, �Cool, tell that to the billions who watch them.' Were they all wrong?

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The conversation also veered into Hemsworth's early career, notably his time on the Australian soap opera "Home and Away," which laid the groundwork for his future successes. He shared a memorable piece of advice from a fellow actor on set: "
We don't get paid to make the good lines sound good, but to make the bad ones work.
" This ethos has evidently stuck with him, influencing his approach to acting across various roles, including his time as Thor.

Reflecting on his latest portrayal in "Thor: Love and Thunder," Hemsworth acknowledged some personal dissatisfaction with his performance, which he discussed openly in a Vanity Fair interview last month. "I got caught up in the improv and the wackiness, and I became a parody of myself," he admitted, revealing a thoughtful self-assessment. "
I didn't stick the landing.


Chris Hemsworth's reflections offer a glimpse into the pressures and expectations of Hollywood, underscoring the importance of maintaining integrity and humility, regardless of a film's success or failure. His journey from "Home and Away" to becoming a central figure in one of the biggest cinematic franchises highlights both the challenges and the invaluable lessons learned along the way.

Source: Yahoo
May 20   |   1 answers
Chris Hemsworth Slams Critics, Upholds Humility in Hollywood

What Lesson Should Hollywood Take from Hemsworth's Insights?

Value humility over success00 %
Support each other's projects00 %
Reevaluate superhero movie critiques00 %
Celebrate all genres equally00 %
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