Harvey Weinstein is under scrutiny again as new accusers come forward, potentially leading to new charges before his retrial.

Manhattan prosecutors announced that they are assessing new sexual misconduct claims against Harvey Weinstein. These new allegations could lead to another indictment before his scheduled retrial on rape charges later this year.

Assistant District Attorney Nicole Blumberg revealed during a court hearing that additional individuals have come forward with claims of assault, and prosecutors are evaluating which ones fall within the statute of limitations. She mentioned that some survivors who were not ready to testify during Weinstein's first New York trial might now be willing to do so.

When Judge Curtis Farber asked if a new indictment was possible, Blumberg responded affirmatively, saying, «Yes, your honor.»

Weinstein appeared in court in a wheelchair, continuing a pattern seen in recent court hearings due to his ongoing medical issues, as stated by his lawyers. The hearing took place in the same courthouse where former President Donald Trump is on trial.

Prosecutors to Update Court Next Month

Blumberg stated that the prosecution would provide an update on the case's direction by the end of June. Weinstein's retrial on the rape charge is tentatively set for after Labor Day.

Weinstein's lawyer, Arthur Aidala, expressed confidence that no additional accusers would be found to support the prosecution's case. Aidala said of Weinstein, «He knows he's never done anything like this.»

Earlier, prosecutors had asked the judge to remind Weinstein's lawyers not to discuss or disparage potential witnesses publicly ahead of the retrial. This request came after comments made by Aidala were perceived as attempts to intimidate Miriam Haley, one of Weinstein's accusers.

Defense Apologizes, Judge Warns Both Sides

Aidala apologized to the judge, insisting he did not intend to intimidate anyone. However, he maintained that the defense believes «lies were told at the last trial, and will be told at this one.»

Judge Farber instructed both sides to avoid pandering to the press, emphasizing that the case would be decided in the court of justice, not public opinion. The next court date is set for July 9.

During Weinstein's 2020 trial, he was convicted of raping Jessica Mann and sexually assaulting Haley. However, New York's highest court recently overturned these convictions, stating that the trial judge allowed testimony from other women who were not part of the case. Weinstein has consistently maintained that all sexual activity was consensual.

#MeToo Movement Revisited

The New York ruling reopened a significant chapter in the #MeToo movement, which began in 2017 with numerous allegations against Weinstein. Despite the setbacks in New York, Weinstein remains convicted of another rape in Los Angeles in 2022 and is serving a 16-year prison sentence in California.

Aidala previously stated that Haley lied to the jury about her motives and that the defense planned an aggressive cross-examination if she testifies again. Haley has expressed reluctance to testify due to the trauma but indicated she would consider it to pursue justice.

The Associated Press generally does not name individuals alleging sexual assault unless they agree to be identified, as Haley and Mann have done.
Credit: Cnn
May 30   |   1 answers
New Accusers Emerge in Weinstein Case

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